Monday, April 4, 2016

Platinum 600-Predicting Injuries

Daily we are asked to make life or death decisions on a moments notice.  We arrive on a scene, do a quick scene survey and develop an IAP all within the first minute.  These decisions that we make and the actions that we take within the first 10 minutes may very well mean the difference between life and death for those involved.  With that being said the importance of an accurate scene size up cannot be overstated.  One component of a quality scene size up is predicting potential internal injuries based on the mechanism, and treating the patient according.

MVA Size Up
Provides Clues to:
-Type of Injury
-Forces Involved

3 Impacts
Car vs Car or Object
Person vs Interior of Car
Internal Organs vs Other Solid Structures in the Body

The following video provides invaluable information about injury prediction and the platinum 600.  Watch the video and discuss how we can utilize the information on our future scenes.

Video Link:  Platinum 600

In addition to providing valuable information you also can get .5 credits if you get an account to the American CME site and take a short quiz.

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