Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Big Picture Extrication

Next week we will be starting a new "Minimum Company Standards" training series.  We will be taking a multifaceted approach combining vehicle extrication and vehicle fires.  For both subjects there will be a large emphasis on scene size up and patient care.

The importance of the scene size-up cannot be over emphasized.  A quality scene size-up sets the tone for the entire operation.

Size-up should begin the moment that the call is dispatched.  In the case of a vehicle accident, the dispatch information may include:

-Where the accident is located
-Number of vehicles involved
-Number of potential patients

From the information above you can begin your size-up.

First and foremost review the dispatch. We occasionally miss vital information as we are preparing to get on the apparatus.  Review the information on CAD to ensure that there was no dispatch information or updates missed.  

Next, know where you are going.  If you are familiar with your first due area and specifically where the accident has occurred you will be able consider potential hazards and begin to preplan for apparatus placement.

The number of vehicles and patients involved should immediately make you think "RESOURCES".  What am I going to need to ensure that this call is a success.

*This initial dispatch information should stimulate thought...but REMEMBER this information is often from a passerby with zero emergency service experience and may not accurately depict what you will find when you arrive on scene

As a crew, discuss some areas in your first due district that accidents are likely to occur and develop a plan to safely and effectively run an operation.

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