Monday, March 14, 2016

SO We Are Ready

For training this week we will be continuing with the theme of readiness and honing our fire-ground skills.  

Weather permitting take this drill outside to test your first due fire operation skills.

In teams of two set your gear up outside of the engine. When timer says go:

  1. Dress out 
  2. Officer packs up and gives a Blue Card initial radio report
  3. Apparatus Operator must engage the pump 
The team of firefighters must then formulate a plan to complete the following tasks in the order of priority as if they were the first due engine on an actual fire scene.  Each of these tasks can be done as an individual or completed as a team.

  • Pull 200 feet of 5" from the engine
  • Fully stretch a 24' ladder to the hose tower
  • Pull a wye line to the exterior man door
  • Attach a 100' high rise pack to the gated wye
  • Charge the line
  1. Both firefighters must meet at the door with SCBA and tools
  2. Firefighters must stretch the hose line through the predetermined course in the bay to the mezz.
  3. Your Victim must be located and removed from the building
  4. Time stops when the victim and both firefighter are clear of the building 
To be successful in this evolution communication and cooperation are paramount.  When the drill is completed, discuss the evolution.  What went good and what could be improved.

To make the drill more challenging replace the 24' ladder with a 35' and incorporate the collapsed floor and wall breach props into the scenario as the week progresses.

Be Safe and BE READY!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

KNOW Your First Due Area

How well do you know your building layouts in your 1st due area.  Understanding the layout and type of construction in your response district will greatly aid both search and fire control efforts.

There are numerous cape cod style home throughout our district.  Look at the house below.

-Can you Identify the home's layout from the exterior?
-Where are the stairs located?
-What are some specific dangers that this home creates for firefighters?
-How do we overcome these dangers?

-Discuss scenarios with a working fire in different locations throughout the home
-How would you plan on achieving fire control
-What hose line would you use
-What are some rescue considerations
-What are some ladder placement considerations

I encourage you to drive around your first due district and have a similar discussion about the other building types in your area and the specific challenges that they present.

Once discussion is complete we will be doing a modified agility course to help prepare us physically for the challenge of an aggressive interior attack and/or rescue.  Keep track of your times on the paper attached to the gear rack, and try to improve using better technique, changing pace, or better fitness.